


Scott Fitzpatrick and his team of collaborators share their insight around the business of ‘advice’.


If could benefit from a holistic approach to:

– Client engagement

– Business building

– Positioning of your services

– Technical training

– Building referral sources

…then this is for you.

Take a listen to the podcast, for free.

A special launch offer is available at $3,272.50* inc. GST for all three areas:

  1. Client Mastery

  2. Business Mastery

  3. Personal Mastery

* per person/per licence

Client Mastery Scott Fitzpatrick will take you through the whole client experience  – from start to finish.

Business Mastery with Paul Crane, here you’ll learn about the building blocks for a successful practice.

Personal Mastery with Brian Fitzpatrick. Brian introduces the non technical, relational skills required to connect and communicate with your clients.

You will be guided through each topic & piece of collateral with expert commentary and coaching.

Yes. Preferred pricing based for bulk orders, please contact:

Simply click on the “add to cart” button below

Once purchased, you will get access the entire video library, activities and more!

All resources are yours to keep, and you’ll have access to the videos for a full year following your purchase.

Yes. We accept credit card.

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Yes.  Just get in touch and we will provide a full refund, in good faith.

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